Good news! My three girls, Hillary, Emma and Natasha have all shown up. Tom's still missing, I don't know if the babies survived and none of my darling skunks have shown up. Time will tell.
Thanks for all your love and support.
A warm place to gather to discuss art, animals, roses, gardens and gardening, life, and, to laugh of course. I'm long winded. My sisters and friends often say "Can you just get to the point?!" There's a famous 17th Century quote I adore that reads "I have made this longer only because I could not find the words to make it shorter."
Are either of the 4 girls the kittens mother? Maybe Tom is watching over the kittens. I haven't been coming long enough to your blog to know them all but just wondered if that was a possibility. I'll keep praying for them.
Good to hear from you! And what a wonderful way to perk yourself up. Have I said this before, "I want to come to your house!" Your office is GORGEOUS! Your garden is GORGEOUS! You are GORGEOUS! So much gorgeousness I'm gonna puke...but in a good way.
I'm sooooo glad to hear your girls are okay. Tom may still show up. Cats are smart about that kind of thing.
Hang in there! We love you!!!
I am SO glad to hear that news. I was actually worrying about those girls today.
And I love looking at pictures of people's special spaces. Just lovely--
a hug for you--
Hi Suzanne,
I love your pretty, pink, peaceful office. I am amazed at your talent!
Thanks for sharing about your three girls, soon Tom will be too.
I'll keep crossed my fingers.
How are your beautiful heart? Hope everything is well.
I wish you good health and happiness!
I am so sorry to hear what happened in the park.
I am crossing my fingers for you, your little ones and all others involved. hope and pray all the little ones show up soon.
((hugs)) to you dear one.
I'm so glad the girls have shown up. Your last post was so very emotional for me (you know how I am with strays and such). I'm praying for Tom and the youngsters and will leave the outcome in God's hands. Know that we all wish we were there to help you; you know if we could, we'd be there from dawn to dusk. And some of us longer.
Love you, Suzanne, keep us posted.
p.s. are all of those roses or do you have some peonies as well? Peonies are my favorite but I can't grow them down here.
Suze, I love your office...will you come and redo mine? I know it would be just perfect. The Roses are beautiful as usual...as are you. Hope more of your precious kitties and other critters have resurfaced, am sending out positive thoughts.
Love you,
word verification...whsgfgig, how cool is that!!
I know you're not supposed to be blogging much but I'm worried and checking back so much to look for updates I’m afraid I'm gonna get caught by “Big Brother.”
Thinking of you OFTEN and anxiously waiting to hear how things are.
I'm so glad to see you're in good spirit! Just came by to check on you and to wish you bird songs...
Love you
I just wanted to stop by and tell you, on a lighter note, lady, that you are SO funny. I've been giggling and giggling at your comments all over the place.
and p.s. I hope you're doing okay and not too stressed out. Begone, stress! xo again.
Hey Pal,
I'm glad the girls are ok. I am hoping the skunks? and the tom return soon. Talk to to later. Cece
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I used to feed about 25 strays at work! My UPS man used to help me!!! I am so sad for you! I hope they are all ok...Hillary is gorgeous! I'll be waiting to find out....
M ^..^
Okay, I'm going to have to move on, so thought I'd respond to all of you here.
Viv - Hillary is Mom to the babies. I'm not holding out much hope. All the dens were in the burned area. I haven't seen Hillary since the day after the fire and Tom worries me. Seriously. And after 4 days, I don't think my skunks are coming back. I go to the park every day and wait, but I've realized I have to go with what I get It breaks my heart, but I'm grateful for the few I have.
Thank you for caring sweetie.
Random Chick,
Wow, after reading your previous post I realize how damn lucky I am. I write like shit and yet you love me!!! How is that possible??? Edit this: I. LOVE. YOU.
Also, visit Leah's blog. She's about to have some fun and the two of you are so similar. I think you should share war stories.
Love you baby. Thanks for making me feel greater than I am. I may have to blog about it if I can find the time.
P.S. You're always welcome. Just don't ring the door bell, cuz it scare the beeeeeeeeeeeejeasus out of the kitties. Oh, and don't knock, that does too. Just stand there and I'll notice you eventually while slaving over the sink and all the contents within.
Okay, I'm going to have to move on, so thought I'd respond to all of you here.
Viv - Hillary is Mom to the babies. I'm not holding out much hope. All the dens were in the burned area. I haven't seen Hillary since the day after the fire and Tom worries me. Seriously. And after 4 days, I don't think my skunks are coming back. I go to the park every day and wait, but I've realized I have to go with what I get It breaks my heart, but I'm grateful for the few I have.
Thank you for caring sweetie.
I said I was going to respond to all of you "here," but then posted. That's just stupid silly! Okay, let's try that again:
Leah ~ Hi honey. My girls are so special. It's hit and miss right now, but I hope things will be back to normal in no time. I know now things will never be perfect, but I have faith.
And thanks. My spot is a good place to be most days.
~ Krystyna, Hi honey. Thank you. Everything's going to be okay. I was at the park today feeding only Natasha and Emma and looking up to the sky. Everything's going to be okay. In a month this will all be a horrible memory and my "girls" will be okay. Tom will come back. He's too smart to have left this earth.
I'm okay. Thanks for asking. Is life perfect? No sweetie. It's hard, but you know that.
Love you.
Bindi, the fact you're even here breaks my heart because I know how hard it is. I love you with all my heart. Be well dear friend. Thank you.
Queen Goob ~ Ugh. It's hard. Thank you dear friend for caring. Every day is hard. I haven't seen Hillary since the day after the fire and I know she had babies just 2 days before. Was there something I didn't notice? Was she injured and I didn't see? I worry. A LOT!! I'm waiting for her return and also waiting for some sort of NORMAL to return to the park. It's absolutely awful. I know because I can't even cry. I just feel numb.
Thank you so much for caring.
Gig, Thanks dear friend. I will redo your office in an instant. Send me a photo and I'll be glad to critique! Unfortunately mine doesn't look like that any more because Ohno has caused us to change everything. He's maturing however, so I have hope. For instance...he didn't knock something off my desk today.
Queen Goob
I'm going to post in the next day or two with updates. Nothing's perfect, but it's doable.
Cielo ~ I feed the birds at the park too, so I hear bird songs. I love that sentence and love you too.
Leah, too much fun! Way too much!!!
Yes Cece...skunks. Love them as much as I love the kitties. We're a huge happy family at the park. Like Rodney King requested...we all just get along.
Tales from OC, I love people like you. What happened after you left? I hope someone took over. Please tell me she/he did. XO
Hi Suzzane
Good day
Hello Suzanne,
I know you have been having a rough time of things this season. You have been on my heart, and in my prayers. I have dropped by a few times and have read about your troubles. How are you physically doing these days after the car accident? I am so sorry to hear about the fire and your loss. I hope more of the kitties survived than previously thought. Cats are very self reliant it seems.
I saw you comment over at Maria's about taking her advice to do one good thing for yourself each day. I was wondering about your beautiful paintings. Are you able to work on your art? I must tell you I envy your talent and style to paint such yummy roses. I wish I could find my signature style for painting roses. I think that is one of the good things that I am going to do for myself this week...take time to paint!
Thank you for dropping by my place for a visit. It was so nice to hear from you again.
It's certainly good to hear that at least some your darlings are alright. Here's to hoping that the rest of them have come through it all just as well.
Best wishes,
Hey Suzanne,
Just checking in to see how you are doing. Glad to hear your kitties are okay. The flowers look good.
Hope you and Rob are well,
That is wonderful news my friend! Just wonderful news! Sorry so short but look at the time 215am and I have my baby niece over tomorrow to do some crafting with Auntie RaRa! I will let all know how we did...and what crafting we did!
Think of you often! Talk to you soon!
BEAUTIFUL as You are Suzanne!
I haven't commented for a while, but you know I'm thinking of you and those kitties - sending good thoughts over to you and them.
Love ya sweetie,
Peter xx
Come by and say hello and see me! I have posted some pics! Did something very new to me...eeekkk! Had some fun but thought I would give it a try!
hi suze,
i'm just dropping by to say hello and i hope you're all good
hope you having a good day..
am still on the same boat...oneday i will feel great..next day just the opposite..
last week my parents send me a big package of food items and medicines...
I'll mail you soon..
thank you so much for your kind words...at my meena.....one day i'll be there...but when? my heart and soul is there and just body here...
I love you...
many ((hugs)) to you sweetie..
I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH GIRLY! I wish you did come through my computer screen! Hugs are my thing girly...you know that from that post I did! Remember when?! Your comment meant the WORLD to me...thank you for being so very sweet. I was feeling really nervous about that post...I really thought there would be no comments, kind of like no one showing up at one's party! Then I come in today and was floored, moved to tears! It really was a boost to this faultering ego. I had a blast doing it but it took me a lot of nerve to actually post! I almost didn't, but thought about all those I post about all the time, and thought it wasn't fair not to reveal myself. It was the right thing!
And you comment will keep sounding off in my head for days to come dear friend, thanks for being so wonderful! Love you to bits!
Hi Suzanne,
How's it going? any more of your ferals come through the troubles to greet you when you visit the park?
Best wishes,
G'day Suzanne,
How are you and Rob doin'? It is great that your three girls have all shown up. Any news on Tom, the babies and the skunks? I expect that they will turn up again soon after everyhing has settled down. It has been great reading your comments at our friends' blogs and i thank you for your comments on mine and Jo's.
It has been a weird season and I don't know if it is down to global warming or just a case of que sera sera what will be will be.
Any way you and Rob are constantly in my thoughts and prayers and i just thought that I would drop by to let you know that i haven't forgotten you and Rob.
Mark xx
I'm back from my cruise to Mexico and I missed you!!!! How are you and the kitties doing?
Write when you can!
Love ya!
My word verification is: scszwaa (LOL!)
Hello Suzanne, I love your office pic. It's very pretty! I'm so happy that some of your friends are safe. I'll pray that the others also show up safe and sound too. Have a nice day!
Best wishes to you Suzanne!
With love
And All the best from me too, Suzanne!
Love & Happiness be always with you!
Just hello dear...
I miss your vivacious banter on the blog. Thinking of you. : )
Hi Suzanne,
Thanks so much so for stopping by and saying "Hi!" You're a dear and you're welcome any time.
Any news on the aftermath of the fire? Any more familiar faces showing up?
Catch you at the Wild Onion,
Best Wishes,
I love that certain quality of serenity that I find in beauty; beauty in all its forms... what I see, hear and read most fill my soul with serenity, and I find beauty and serenity here, in this lovely post......
I'm glad to hear about your girls, soon you'll see Tom again...
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin
Have a great rest of the weekend....
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