Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...still just wingin' it with photos! Whatever comes up, comes up. This is your lucky's not a naked one! This was probably taken in 2006 because we still have the 60 foot tree in the back yard. Yup, I'll always miss her.
And yes, that's the first coat of primer. You all know how these walls suck up paint. And yes, I agree, the room looks like a wreck. It's supposed to...I'm painting. I wonder what that "patch" is for? Looks like I was testing the primer! LIKE I HAVEN'T PRIMED EVERY FEAKIN' ROOM IN THIS HOUSE! While you're looking around, would you mind straightening that lamp shade?


Snowbrush said...

Straighten the lamp shade on a four year old photo? Sure, no problem, only some old guy with a beard requested that I part the Red Sea first--ha.

just bob said...

Where are the cats?

Leah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kylie said...

i'm waiting for the nekkid photo!

Megan said...

Hm, yeah, where ARE the cats?

Mike129 said...

Cats are great at helping with tasks like painting!

And it sounds like Kylie is as excited about you nekkid photos as I am. Just look at that face!

Merely Me said...

Love the view! I don't see a wreck...I see potential.
The lampshade? Too funny! One of my teaching partners would always come in and "fix" my bulletin boards when I left for the day. I couldn't hang anything straight if I tried! He and I are still friends to this day even though we live two hours apart!

Suzanne said...

Snowbrush ~ Again? Honey, I think that "sea" thing was taken care of ages ago, but unfortunately my lamp shade still looks like that because a kitty knocked it off the table and bent the rod. I need new lamps. Or new kitties because the ones I have are trouble. I think you are too!

Suzanne said...

Bob~I have that wonderful photo of T-Bone and Hopper snuggling on the paint cloth so I was unable to use it to protect the wood floor! Remember!!!??? I try to paint when the house gets quiet and lazy and they're all sleeping. It's the only way to get anything done. ;)

Suzanne said...

Thanks Leah. If I had my way and a few thousand bucks, I'd blow out the whole wall, install floor to ceiling windows that opened to the back yard and a beautiful patio. I better get painting...

Suzanne said...

Kylie...I'll email one. You'll finally be in "the loop!!!" But I won't until you agree to email one!!! ;) Oh, and don't tell anyone.

Suzanne said...

Megs, trust me...they're EVERYWHERE!!!! I got laughing today because I try to open all the windows in the house so they don't all wind up in the front ones! Seriously. I was working in the front yard and counted 9 watching me today. THANK GOD the other windows were open! Legally, I think I'm allowed 4!!! HA!!!

Suzanne said...

Mike, stop bragging. You're a lucky man and I don't think Kylie appreciates being out of the loop. You know she'll never relent! Nor should she!!! Oh, and just so you know, cats are excellent at home improvement. Until they get involved. ;)

Suzanne said...

MM ~ I can't fix it. It's broken!!! They're cheap lamps! My kitties have ruined or broken almost every lamp in this house. Gorgeous blue and white antique lamps...BAM, on the floor and I'm down there crying as I pick up the pieces to save for a mosaic! No crystals on any lamp or chandelier because as you know, Ohno's the "Crystal Batting King!" I don't know what to do. They race through the house, breaking lamps and ankles and baby I don't even think they care! ;)

Snowbrush said...

Suzanne said: "Honey, I think that "sea" thing was taken care of ages ago, but unfortunately my lamp shade still looks like that..."

Now isn't that funny? I mean that the Red Sea could be parted faster than your lampshade could be straightened. Oh, well, a problem isn't necessarily easy just because it looks easy--and then Moses didn't have recalcitrant cats to deal with either, just pesky Egyptians.

Karen ^..^ said...

That window is naked.

I'm shocked.

kylie said...

i'm not sure whats going on here, theres a lot of talk about naked pictures and loops and things.....

Suzanne said...

I agree Snowbrush...Charlton Heston hardly lifted his rod that day. If I recall it also only took 3 hours to wander through the desert and write the Ten Commandments. What is my problem??? Laziness? The right tool? WHAT?

Suzanne said...

I'll cover my eyes Karen. Okay...I peeked a little.

Suzanne said...

I see "Trouble's" back...

Mike129 said...

Suze likes naked things.

And trouble.

And probably naked trouble.

Suzanne said...

Naked trouble's good!!!

I saw a red Porsche coming back from the park today. I thought "That's a bold statement MF!!!"Of course I tried to pass him. Couldn't!!! But almost!!!

Mr. Shife said...

Pretty sweet view. And seeing the painting is almost inspiring. I said almost. We need to paint some doors and I am just not motivated quite yet. Take care and nice to visit to your blog again.

kylie said...

this naked trouble is particularly good. i have it on good authority

Suzanne said...

Mr. Shife. Motivation. Who has it?!! Not me baby!!! I have yet to finish the living room 2 years later. Don't tell anyone. Was a nice view with that gorgeous tree. Gone. View different. Much, much different. What do ya do baby? Just shrug your shoulders and move along. Life. Love you so. XO

Suzanne said...

Kylie...well, if you're looking at him, nope, you can't go wrong. Nope!!!

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Hi Sweet Friend,

I read your post and then tried to follow the thread of comments, but I AM TOTALLY LOST! Been away too long . . . I've lost my edge for mystery-solving, I see.

Oh well, just came by to say "HI" and wish you a Joyous Easter. We have snow in the forecast. It seems more like Scandinavia than California around here! But, the daffodils are dancing longer than ever before and that makes me smile. Hope you have lots to smile about around your gardens.

On a sad note, lost a precious kitty last week. No more fluffy Mr. Darcy greetings to be had. We are sad. He and Mr. Bingley came to us from feral mammas and have proven adorable, loving, and wonderful. Mr. B misses Mr. D dreadfully, as we all do. The photos of your kitties always make me smile. The expressions those cats can make . . . don't they just say it all?

Nice to chat . . . sorry I've been away so long -- it's been a looooong winter (and all that goes with it).

Happy Easter! : D

LorĂȘny Portugal said...

Happy Eastern, suzanne!

Happyness and health!

Megan said...

Ready for an update. Here or at the Onion. Just sayin'...

Brian Miller said...

nice view...4 years ago? lol.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

beautiful view!
sweet memories!

Snowbrush said...

Where you been, gal--you still painting that room?

just bob said...

Can't get much painting done when you sleep until 4pm.

Suzanne said...

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie. Oh God. We are now bonded for life. I tried to get on your blog. It's frozen. I can read it, I just can't write. I love you so much. Thank you.

Suzanne said...

Just a though. I have amazing friends.

Suzanne said...

Lorney...Happy Easter to you. It's so beautiful to hear your voice. Hi baby. Love you.

Suzanne said...

Megan...I'm doing my best!!! Smart ass.

Suzanne said...

Brian...I'm havin' a little trouble with photos! Work with me brotha!

Suzanne said...

Ji welcome. And thanks. This is a beautiful place with amazing friends.

Suzanne said... still sittin' in that chair???!!! What, I had to! XO

Suzanne said...

Bob...don't even get me started.